Android.Troj.Unknown.a – Virus Removal Guide

Android.Troj.Unknown.a is a malicious threat that may cause damage to the Android system. It can perform many actions on the device such as stealing data and tracking your sessions.

It is a heuristic name given by an antivirus application that identified the infection after the system scan.

Mobile threats can inflict significant damage, especially since they keep evolving. That's why we recommend taking proactive measures to prevent potential harm.

Users who have their device infected with the Android.Troj.Unknown.a threat will most likely face the following issues:

  • Opening apps are taking longer to load in comparison to before.
  • Phone battery drains faster even while idle.
  • Pop-up ads and push notifications are being displayed on the computer.
  • You may see installed applications that you do not recognize.
  • The phone is overheating and is becoming hot when you touch it.

If the file was detected from the computer, you do not have to worry since .apk files cannot run on a Windows/Mac system.

Android.Troj.Unknown.a can infiltrate an Android system the same way as most viruses do, but the following are the most typical ways:

Spam email attachments

It is the most common and widely used strategy. It deceives the intended recipient into downloading malicious software that is attached to the attackers' email.

The files are either bundled together or disguised as documents, movies, and voicemails in the attachments.

Drive-by Download

It occurs when a person visits an infected website that has been injected with a malicious script that causes a random piece of software to be downloaded.

Hackers can then use these flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the user's device once they've been clicked.

Modded APK files

APK files serve as the extensions utilized by Android applications. Often, individuals seeking free content may end up installing modded APK files from unfamiliar origins.

This action triggers various alerts from antivirus programs, as these files are recognized as modified and not sourced from the legitimate Play Store. Additionally, such files could potentially be contaminated with malware.

If Android.Troj.Unknown.a was detected on your Android device, it's crucial to remove the threat as soon as possible. To address this issue, proceed to the guide in the next section.

Android.Troj.Unknown.a Removal Procedure

The procedure below will assist you in removing Android.Troj.Unknown.a as well as any threats lurking in the mobile device.

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Step 1: Remove Malicious Application/s from Device

Android.Troj.Unknown.a is a threat that will most likely take the form of an Android app. Find cracked or suspicious applications that you did not download.

1. Go to the Settings application and head over to the application menu. It is the menu wherein installed applications are seen. Since many Android devices are different, there are also different locations for this menu.

2. Scroll down the installed applications and find suspicious ones that you might not recognize or installed.

3. Once you find the suspicious application, click it and uninstall it. For this guide, we are using Smart Cleaner Ultra as an example.

Step 2: Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes stands as a well-known anti-malware solution, acclaimed for its exceptional threat detection capabilities. Employing this anti-malware software simplifies the process of eradicating the Android.Troj.Unknown.a detection.

We believe that regular scanning of the device is a must. By utilizing this tool, you can not only address the Android.Troj.Unknown.a issue effectively but also eliminate other lurking threats that might reside on your device.

1. First, go to the Google Play store and install Malwarebytes Anti Malware.

2. Once installed, it will ask you for permission to access files. Allow it access to manage the files on the device, it is needed to detect malicious threats

3. Click Run a full scan to detect potential threats on the whole device. Since this may take a while, you can simply close the application and let it run in the background. You can see the progress of the scan through the notifications.

4. After the scan is complete, the detected threats will be shown on the screen and all that is left to do is to eliminate them. Click the Remove Selected to get rid of the threats.

We advise you to run a routine scan of the device to ensure that it is continuously malware-free. We also recommend utilizing the Malwarebytes Real-Time Protection feature, which will secure your machine and detect any threats as soon as they appear.